Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I wonder....

So you know by now that I'm not good at keeping the blog up... But, something hit me the other day and it made me want to blog about it.
I was out on my morning walk, jamming out to my latest tunes, with a smile on my face. You know how it feels to be out in the California sun, gettin' your blood flowing, you can't help but smile! While I was walking though, I passed two women, who were on the heavier side. They looked at me with a look that was smug and not very friendly, mind you I said "Hello" and I had a big smile on my face.
I couldn't help but think about how I felt when I was at my heaviest, and then started to apply it to the situation. I remember when I was bigger and would try to "work out" I would see thinner people and think not so nice things about them (and by no means, do I think that I'm one of the thinner people, I'm working on it though). I wonder if that's what they were thinking of me.... I'm still a little bothered by it, but I can't change what others think. All that I can do it change how I think, and I can tell you that I look at life a lot differently. I look at people differently, heavy, thin, tall, short.... I know there are things in life we can control and there are somethings that we can.
I wish I could have told those two women that it has been a long road for me to get here and it wasn't easy. I'm proud of my accomplishments when it comes to my weight and I am still working on it... I would love to lose another twenty pounds or so, but it's the self control that I need to work on! I love to go on my walks, I love to jam out to my iPod, and I love to get into that stride that makes me feel like I could walk all day!

****I'm writing this from work, and would love to post pictures. I'm going to have post the pictures when I get home.

1 comment:

Angel said...

i love this! i want to try this new app, it look awesome and motivating. anyway, i think this post is motivating, and i like how you describe what it feels like to just be out there and DOING it. usually it's just starting that is the hard part.

it's human nature to compare ourselves to others, i know i do it. i always see people who are younger, skinnier, and may i dare say prettier, and i just start feeling down on myself (i know i shouldn't be feeling this way). but i am sure there are some out there that feel the same way when they look at me. it's probably just a fleeting moment that passes. i think most people eventually realize to love themselves how they are though. we tend to always want what we aren't. it's so weird lol.