Friday, July 27, 2007

Quilts are Finished

I finished my first two baby quilts that I'm going to give away. Well, almost done. I have to hand stitch the binding and then I can give them away. I'm excited and very nervous about giving them away. I hope they are appreciated.

That's all... I'm on my way to Yuma in a little bit. I'm excited about seeing my family!

FYI: I bought new pants last night!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hole in Pants

So, I'm at work today and it's hot and sticky. Not the best day, but I'm the outside technician and my supervisor want to watch me add chemicals to a tank, no problem, until....

Dun, dun, dun..... I have to disconnect a hose from a bin. I squat down, my pants are stuck to my legs because of the humidity, I have a labcoat, rubber apron, hard hat, safety glasses, faceshield, and big neoprene gloves on which makes it a million degrees hotter and a feel my pants rip! OH SHIT!

Good thing I had the labscoat on for a minute because it gave me time to assess the situation. No one saw it, which is a good thing and it was also fairly small.

When I got back to the lab I found some duct tape, because duct tape fixes everything. I went to the restroom and duct taped my pants, from the inside of course!

Next problem, duct tape does not feel good when you are wearing a thong! The tape is sticky on the ends and it keeps sticking to my ass. I hope people can't tell that I'm walking a little funny today!

This is Life with Kate!

First Blog

I never thought I would be blogging, but I wanted to have a forum in which I can write stuff down that I think about. Journalling in a regular journal is hard for me, so maybe this will be better.

I also wanted some place that I could write and not feel weird about people reading it. I know this is out there for the world to see, but at least it's going to be harder to find. I'm going to keep this blog to myself until I feel comfortable with people reading my thoughts.